Commonly Used Emojis And Their Meanings Cont. (Hand Action Emoji Meanings) On Social Sites
Emojis add personality to our most bland text messages and that’s the reason we use them so much. Thanks to modern day smart phones and increasing instant messengers like viber, whatsapp, emojis are used way more often. Tons of new emojis are being added all the time. While most emojis are easy to understand, some are confusing. Here are some of the most common used emojis and their meanings
Hand Action Emoji Meanings
What’s the best way to celebrate online with friends? Use the Celebration emoji! Well, not really the best way but it should do.
Impressed with something? Use the clapping emoji to express appreciation.
Hand wave
People generally tend to use this emoji to express a slap but it actually symbolizes a hand wave.
Thumbs up
Use it to wish someone the best of luck.
Thumbs down
Use it to tell your enemies that they are going down soon.
Punch/Fist Bump
This emoji can either be used to express that you want to hit someone or a bro fist pump. We like the latter meaning!
Fist pump
Want to express that you are pumped about something? What better than the fist pump emoji.
The gesture is pretty well known as the peace or victory sign. So, use it to end an argument or when you’ve won something.
The gesture is used to signify “perfect” and can be used along with a compliment about someone’s looks.
Stop/High five
If the Zip it emoji does not stop someone from blabbering, you can give the Stop emoji a shot. However, keep in mind that it’s also used as a high five. So, when you are planning to stop someone, you might end up high fiving them.
The raised hand with fingers spread emoji represents a casual Hi or the number five.
Hug/Jazz hands
The open hands sign emoji expresses openness or as a display of jazz hands. It is also used as a hug.
Flexed biceps
Want to make a strong statement? What better than flexing a bicep, right?
Folded hands mean “please” or “thank you” in many cultures and some people even use this emoji to signify prayer.
Ask a question
Remember raising a hand to ask a question in school? You can use this emoji to convey the same.
Point up
You can use this emoji to point to an earlier message.
Point down
This emoji can help you point that you are talking about the text or image down below.
Point left
To highlight an important part of your message on your left, you can use this simple point left emoji.
Point right
You can use this emoji to point people in the “right” direction.
Middle finger
We are pretty sure you know what the middle finger stands for!
Rock on
Fans of a metal band or anyone who is in a rocking mood can use this cool emoji to convey the “Rock on” motto. The “sign of the horns” emoji also means devils fingers, so use it to signify devilish, if you think that’s more cooler.
Star Trek Spock/Vulcan Salute
Star Trek fans are pretty well accustomed to the vulcan salute and thankfully, the cool emoji represents it perfectly.
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